Department of Emergency Preparedness and Planning
Important Notice!
As of September 3, 2021, at 12 p.m (MDT), please route all inquiries directly to the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations until a new emergency management co-ordinator for the department of emergency preparedness and planning has been identified. If you have an emergency or know someone who does, please contact the appropriate authorities. Thank you.
About the Department of Emergency Preparedness and Planning
The department of Emergency Preparedness and Planning is dedicated to ensuring Treaty Six Member Nations’ right to self-determination is honoured and respected. Our Emergency Preparedness and Planning Department works closely with Member Nations to help identify and respond to specific community training emergency needs.
Mission and vision
To provide impactful learning development opportunities and management tools to disaster emergency managers and those who work in the field of emergency management.
To provide disaster emergency managers and those who support the cycles of emergency management (specific to member nations of the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations [Alberta Region]) with the tools, processes, and learning opportunities they need to mitigate risk, respond to disaster, and provide sustainable quality service to their area/nation.
Department description
Leads research and policy development initiatives related to emergency preparedness
Develops policies, mechanisms and processes that streamline business processes
Builds relationships with public sector, private and non-profit sectors
Coordinates emergency information to Member Nations
Manages department correspondence in active emergencies
Procures speakers and trainers for the Department’s ongoing Emergency Preparedness Speakers Series
Sponsors Member Nation Disaster Emergency Members to take Emergency Preparedness training
We apply a First Nations (Indigenous) lens in conjunction with a Gender Bias Analysis Plus (GBA+) lens in our work.
2021 department projects underway
First Nations Disaster Emergency Managers Survey
Capacity development series evaluation
Emergency preparedness planning and process development
Emergency preparedness and mitigation research initiatives
Crisis communication logistics and planning for member nations
Disaster emergency manager succession planning research and planning
Identifying future disaster emergency manager workshop themes
Ongoing community engagement and partnership development
Templates and operational resources section
Please feel free to download and amend the Word and Excel document templates as required for your emergency preparedness and planning needs in our new Department of Emergency Preparedness and Planning Templates and Operational Resources Section.
This series of templates has been designed to enhance your knowledge and processes and to foster collaboration between your organization’s department and other program areas.
These tools were created on the request of disaster emergency managers who work dedicatedly to keep their communities safe and to reduce future disasters.
Note: Templates/documents/frameworks found here are not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive - rather, they seek to provide a framework, be a reference, stimulate discussions, generate ideas, and facilitate further analysis to encourage additional exploration and research and policy development for your organization or group.
Member Nations of the Confederacy are invited to contact the Department of Emergency Preparedness and Planning to request the development of new templates and processes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q) Who created the templates?
A) The templates have been developed in consultation with professionals in their fields of expertise.
Q) Is a special membership required to download the templates?
A) No membership is required. This resource is open to anyone.
Q) Why are the templates free?
A) We believe in making education, tools, and content free. As emergencies and disasters continue to occur more frequently, it is our hope that these documents will support your work as a foundation or reference to prepare for these events.
Q) Are the documents in PDF?
A) No, all templates are in Word or Excel. This allows the user to use the templates without having special software.
Q) Can I share the templates with my colleagues?
A) Yes, please do. These are great documents to help support planning, reporting, and managing information. Thank you for sharing.
Q) Are you adding any more templates to this website?
A) We are not adding any more templates to this website at this time. As of September 3, 2021, we are pausing this public initiative until future notice; however, we may add more templates at a later date.
Q) Are you requesting a donation if we use these templates?
A) No, we are not requesting any donation. We believe sharing them for everyone’s benefit is the right thing to do.
Q: I found an error in a document. Can you fix it?
A: Unfortunately, the file room initiative is paused until further notice. Please feel free to amend the documents as you see fit.
Free Templates to download
EM Acronym List (Printable)
Development Request Form
Emergency Preparedness and Mental Health
Emergency preparedness events
Our Emergency Preparedness and Planning Department works closely with Member Nations and the public to help identify and respond to specific community emergency needs. Our Speaker Series was designed to help build communities’ resilience and improve their safety.
Member Nations of the Confederacy are invited to contact the department to request specific training. The department will work to co-ordinate trainings and workshops when possible
Upcoming public learning sessions and workshops
There are no events planned at this time.
Past learning and workshops
Pharmacists Working in Disasters: An Inconspicuous Pair! - August 24, 2021
Emergency Preparedness and Social Intelligence – June 30, 2021
Challenging Disaster Preparedness Paradigms: Moving from Operational to Human Centred – June 29, 2021
360 Degree Risk Assessment – June 29, 2021
What Should Personal Preparedness Mean to Me? – June 28, 2021
Emergency Preparedness and Procurement – June 24, 2021
Briefing Governments During an Emergency – June 23, 2021
Emergency Preparedness and How to Ensure Psychological Safety in the Emergency Operations Center – June 22, 2021
Emergency Preparedness and Social Media – June 17, 2021
Disaster Insurance: What Is It Good For? – June 15, 2021
Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Community: A View From Australia – May 25, 2021
Communication is the Foundation for Successful Response During a Crisis – May 4, 2021
Attended a Professional Development Event?
Within two (2) business days of attending a session, please email emergencymanagement@treatysix.org to receive a certificate of attendance that you can count towards your professional development hours. Certificates are available to anyone who registers for a public speaker session, attends, and submits a request.
When submitting your request, please include the following information:
Email subject: Requesting certificate of attendance – EMP – (Your Name) – (Today’s Date)
First Name/Last Name:
Mailing address:
Training session(s) you attended: Title, Date
Frequently Asked Questions
Are speaker sessions free for the public to attend?
Yes, sessions that are deemed “public learning sessions” are free for the global public to attend. We have taken this approach as we believe education and knowledge are the greatest tools an individual or organization can have in order to minimize the impact of a disaster.
Are workshops free for the public to attend?
Sessions that are deemed “workshops” are exclusively for Member Nation disaster emergency managers and invited guests.
Here are some additional resources we found helpful and thought you might find useful in your work. Please note these are external websites; therefore, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the content on these webpages. Please ensure you always do your own thorough research and contact the appropriate parties if you have any questions.
Safety Codes Council - Indigenous Bursary Program
Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays).
Email: Please contact our general office at this time as this position is currently vacant.