Summary of Health Policy Analyst :
The Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 First Nations Health Policy Analyst works in conjunction with a team of technical professionals for the purpose of advancing and upholding the Treaty Right to Health - Treaty No. 6 Medicine Chest Clause.
The Health Policy Analyst assists in the promotion for the implementation of the following:
UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Treaty No. 6 Tipi Model of Health
Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action
Alberta First Nations Declaration on the Treaty Right to Health
The Health Policy Analyst assists with the development and/or maintenance of the Health database with the NIHB Navigator to identify common trends and issues within the Confederacy of Treaty No.6 membered Nations, including statistical information inclusive of all the Treaty No. 6 Nations.
The role of the Health Policy Analyst is to Chair regular meetings among the Treaty 6 Health Directors and coordinate the overall work flow to ensure consistency with the nations. The roles and activities includes assembling information to assess and analyze the impacts of any policy changes made by FNIHB/INAC to the First Nations in the area of Health.
As a Senior Technician, the scoop of duties involve tracking current events, prepare briefings with recommendations, and report on federal, provincial, and regional legislations, regulations, and policies that pertain to First Nations Health, or as directed. The Senior Technician is on numerous federal and provincial health tables to ensure that Nations receive accurate information.
Department Contact Information:
Health Policy Lead: Tina Yellowdirt-Mitsuing
Health Policy Analyst: Candace Bird
Department Contact Information:
NIHB - Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator: Rhonda Waskahat
Summary of Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator:
The Confederacy of Treaty No. 6 First Nations Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator works within the context of the Treaty Right to Health, the terms contained within the United Nations Declaration and in accordance with the Truth and Reconciliation 94 calls to Action. As a non-profit organization, the Confederacy does not allocate funds or monies to assist with any type of Health coverage.
The NIHB Navigator advocates and exercises the Treaty Right to Health for Treaty 6 members experiencing barriers in accessing the following services:
Vision Care
Medical Transportation
Prescription Drugs & Over-the-counter medication
Medical Supplies & Equipment
Mental Health & Short-term crisis counselling
The role of an NIHB Navigator is to improve access to the NIHB program (for clients) by working with community health workers, service providers and a network of regional policy analysts. The roles and activities of NIHB Navigators are adapted to meet regional needs and include the following:
Provide support, advocacy and increased access to the NIHB program
Provide technical support through planning & research, assist in interpreting policies
Improve NIHB awareness and provide information on the benefits areas
Address policy issues related to access to NIHB benefits through feedback to the national process
Maintain and strengthen relationships with health care providers, provincial and federal partners
Support leadership in the work of advocating for policy change within NIHB
Monitor and create greater awareness for Jordan's Principle
The NIHB Navigator has additional responsibilities which include but are not limited to observation on:
The National Navigators Network (NNN) tabled by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
HCOM NIHB Navigators Sub-committee tabled by HCOM
Indigenous Integration Committee (IIC) tabled by Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services
Any other delegated areas (i.e., Speech from the throne briefings, etc.)
Since December of 2019, the NIHB Navigator has provided support and/or advocacy on a number of referrals, the navigator has also become a point-of-contact for those who work with the Jordan's Principal program.
The NIHB Navigator is not a registered medical professional, the NIHB Navigator will not provide any medical procedures, provide prescriptions nor provide any medical advice to any clients who seek advice.
The NIHB Navigator will make recommendations to clients and service providers based on the NIHB Policy Framework as indicated in any of the six (6) benefit areas: Dental, Vision, Pharmacy and over-the-counter medications, Mental Health and Short-term crisis counselling, medical supplies and equipment and the Edmonton Referral Unit (Medical Transportation).