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United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is an international instrument adopted by the United Nations...


Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The TRC is a component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. It's mandate is to inform all Canadians about what happened in Indian Residential Schools (IRS)...


Treaty 7 First Nations Chiefs' Association

To safeguard the protection and exercising of the Treaty 7 First Nations' collective and individual rights in accordance with the true spirit and intent of Treaty 7 and understood by our Elders and acknowledge and affirm in the Canadian Consitiution


Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta

On June 21, 1899, the eighth treaty between the Indians of North America and the Queen of England was signed. The signatories of Treaty 8 agreed to its terms for reasons of peace and friendship...

Maskwacis Cree Tribal Council


To provide enhanced advisory programs and services in collaboration with Maskwacis Cree Nations that promote the Cree way of life, healthy living, socio-economic opportunities and environment protection....

Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc.


Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc. is federally incorporated as a not-for-profit organization and is a federally recognized Tribal Council with its head office located at Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Alberta, Canada...


Yellowhead Tribal Council

The Yellowhead Tribal Council was created to provide an integration of services and programs to develop tribal control of economic, social, cultural, and other developmental thrusts within its member tribes... 


Indigenous Knowledge & Wisdom Centre (IKWC)

The IKWC office opened its doors and began operations in the spring of 2017 where it will be a centralized location offering education, policy, language and culture...


City of Edmonton - Indigenous Relations Office

The City is on a journey of building good relations with indigenous people - in the spirit and intent of the Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Accord...

Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations        Ph: (780) 944-0334
17816 118 Ave, Edmonton, AB T5S 2W3         Fax: (780) 944-0346

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